Sigmund Freud The Master Of Psychology | Ultrell

6 min readAug 13, 2019


Sigmund Freud, the most famous Austrian scientist in the field of psychology and neuroscience, is one of the great psychiatrists with his theories and explanations that changed our idea of ourselves and changed the idea of the whole world about the hidden links between our souls and our thoughts.

The Austrian scientist Sigmund Freud left a mark in modern psychiatry, and his ideas and theories turned to solid pillars on which scientists built their different theories, psychology is one of the most important humanities if it pushes man towards understanding His depths, the depths of his thought, the underlying instinctive impulses, his subconscious mind, his dreams, his fears, and everything that pertains to him, psychology gives you the ability to understand the invisible from you, which is important if you want to be able to understand those around you and understand anything specific to life in general. Freud’s theory of consciousness and the unconscious, and his theories in the dream world and how he was very interested in it to enter the underworld, the world of the unconscious, Freud also interested in dialogue with the patient and ongoing discussions, as a means of psychoanalysis and the discovery of repressed desires, as well as circling about his various ideas in psychology, all this After we get to know Freud the person and know about Its cultural that undoubtedly left a mark in his scientific life and his philosophical ideas.

About Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud, born in 1856, died in 1939 at the age of 83 years, is of Austrian and Jewish origins, his father was a strict fanatic, and when Freud showed superiority over the other eight brothers, interested in his education despite their extreme poverty, specializing in the study of neurological medicine, and excellence of thinking The founder of modern analytical psychiatry, best known for theories on the unconscious mind He devised clinical practices in psychoanalysis through permanent consultations between the patient and the psychiatrist. He was also known for his emphasis on repressed desires and their impact on individual imaginations and thoughts, as well as the fact that associations and collective discussion groups were renewed and some of them were retained by some conservatives and students themselves. At the end of the twentieth century, with the advancement of science naturally appeared flaws in his classical theories, and yet his theories and methods are the preludes to the methods of modern psychoanalysis, especially clinical methods and the progress achieved in it, his methods and theories still have a great appreciation of academics especially e.

Sigmund Freud Consciousness And Unconscious:

Although most psychologists conceived of the concept of consciousness and clarified it in its various forms, it was divided into spontaneous or simple consciousness, intuitive consciousness and meditative consciousness, as well as awareness based on principles and ethics, but for the concept of “unconscious,” Sigmund Freud is the first to define and studies in this area, Freud focused on the subconscious heavily, as attributed to many of the actions of individuals, Freud considers that all desires or perceptions repressed in the self are stored in the unconscious, those desires are suppressed as a result of customs and traditions, or moral concepts prevailing in Community around the individual, except This stock in the subconscious always seeks to emerge, imposing itself on one’s dreams, and gives hidden motives for his reactions, and this stock continues to push himself until it appears in conscious awareness, and in that journey it appears in dreams and moments of intense various emotions, and access to the world of the subconscious and understand Through the interpretation of dreams or some means of psychoanalysis

Sigmund Freud’s Subconscious Concept

The concept of subconscious when Freed linked to the unconscious, Freud believes that the feeling of different and important functions in the human condition and the health of his body in general, the most important of which is to promote the instinct to stay in the human body and protect it, and this is shown in the spontaneous reactions to any sudden voice or potential threat, as the unconscious It is mainly responsible for the vital processes in the human body, from breathing and balance of the heartbeat to the immune system, as well as responsible for the organization and storage of memories, and the subconscious deals with “emotional trauma” of various kinds, the subconscious can communicate with the individual in his natural state, sending you signals Alert you to danger or not A problem that threatens you, and we can understand the subconscious as the yellow signal that always warns us, and through it we can better control our physical health, so any disorder in the subconscious it does not prejudice mental health alone but affect the health of the body itself, and may appear imbalance in the form of breathing problems And heart.

Freud Psychoanalysis:

Freud, the first scientist to establish a school specialized in psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud not only behavioral psychoanalysis but based on his experience as a doctor, he dissected the brains to understand their components and structures deeper to attempts to treat all types of neurological dysfunction, Freud tried to explain some of the hysterical disorders as emotional disorders At this stage, he relied on hypnosis, in addition to the strategy of “emotional venting”, during those experiments he presented a number of studies in psychoanalysis, stressing that the painful experiences stored in the subconscious lead mainly to the strikes. Hysterical of all kinds, and was able by venting and expressing unconscious improve some hysterical conditions, Freud also interested in psychoanalysis mainly on what affects the “ego” and sees that it starts from lactation, and the difference between the various emotional processes on the basis and the construction of personality to “ “And” ego “and” the higher ego, setting for each stage its definition and analysis,

Dream Interpretation:

Sigmund Freud’s dream interpretation is perhaps his most famous book. The book introduces his own theory of unconsciousness, and discusses an important theory known as the “Oedipus Complex”, a concept developed by Freud, inspired by an ancient Greek myth, indicating pent-up feelings in the child’s subconscious mind and then appearing as abnormal desires. In his third edition, Freud added, in his third edition, a whole section dealing professionally with dreams. Freud generally sees the world of dreams as the way the mind tries to stay awake after sleep. I assume that those dreams are native needs Especially a lexicon and explanation, which is the language of the subconscious, which communicates with consciousness during the sleep of the body, and interested in the part of the human remembers of his dream and saw the important message, and Freud used dreams systematically to analyze the various pathological conditions, and used on himself to interpret himself and understand dreams Best.

Sayings of Sigmund Freud:

Freud’s world is characterized by intelligence in addition to a clear philosophical glimpse in many of his words, not only left a trace in psychology, but included the impact of public life, with the words immortalized in history in his various books, and those quotes and books:

  • His famous works include Dream Interpretation, Psychological Psychology, Cognition, Totem, Taboo, etc.
  • From his famous words that one is very crazy only when he loves.
  • Freud also says that man can resist criticism and attack, but he cannot resist praise.
  • Freud also mocked his time and criticism. “Our progress has made them burn my books instead of me in the Middle Ages!”
  • Freud also stresses the importance of always being honest in the face of oneself.
  • You cannot force someone to believe, as well as not to believe, and you are not a believer if you do not do what you believe.
  • Freud also knew of his love for cats and said that time spent with cats is never lost.

Justice is the first step of civilization:

From the previous article you have identified the psychologist Sigmund Freud historically famous, of course, his theories and writings marred wrong, and drew criticism, like all ideas and humanities, but no doubt it left a profound impact on psychology in particular, and in human life and science significantly, Freud was distinguished by his libertarian personality, and he was revolting against many scientific and social taboos that were widely published in Europe in his life, and was able to liberalize these restrictions and the development of revolutionary literature and the dissemination of ideas of the movement of stagnant water for years and years, which made him the bearer of psychology, although he had some of his theories have changed, or have been felt It is one of the most important things that he presented in psychoanalysis and caused an important gap in the consideration of a large number of mental disorders, and doctors were able to treat a number of mental illnesses based on his theories. “Freudianism” even today.

Originally published at on August 13, 2019.

